P & C Office Bearers & Committee Members 2021

27 Feb 2021 by Cromer P & C Exec

Our P & C AGM was held on 16th February.

Our office bearers and committee members are listed below – we thank you all for volunteering to take on a position. We were unable to fill a number of roles on our committees. These are noted as VACANT below with a short description of the role responsibilities.

We would love to welcome some new helpers and can provide a long handover period for anyone willing to put their hand up! If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact us at cromerpublicschool@pandcaffiliate.org.au

P & C Executive Committee
President: VACANT
Provide leadership and chair meetings. Foster good communication between P & C, school, parents and community. Be accountable for employees and support volunteers. Encourage participation and inclusiveness. Oversee business operations and events.
Secretary: VACANT
Prepare agendas and minutes of meetings. Send communications to members, parents and school community. Maintain register of members and correspondence. Organise electronic files. Assist with other administrative requirements.
Vice Presidents: Jillian Heinrich, Natalia Trapl
Treasurer: Sarah Swan
Committee Members: Katy Pratt, Michelle Hofmann, Anna Harris

Canteen Sub-Committee
Chairperson: Natalia Trapl
Secretary: Nancy Clegg
Representative of Treasurer: VACANT
(Note: Lisa Hottes assisting with processing invoices)

Band Sub-Committee
Chairperson: VACANT
Provide leadership and chair meetings. Oversee the smooth running of all activities and events. Represent the program at performances and external events.
Secretary: Terri Glynn
Representative of Treasurer: Kelly Lynch
Sub-Committee Members: Nikki Kuga, Mel Bristow, Rebekah Davis, Kristi Thoroughgood, Susie Halverson

Uniform Shop Sub-Committee
Chairperson: Sarah McDonald
Secretary: VACANT
Prepare agenda and minutes of meetings.
Representative of Treasurer: VACANT
(Note: Sarah Swan assisting with processing invoices)